Welcome TBT Sisterhood Members,
With pleasure, I invite you to participate at our annual Temple Beth Torah Sisterhood Shabbat at 10 AM on January 30, 2021 on Zoom. This is a service that is led entirely by women in our Sisterhood.
Rabbi Mimi will lead us as we learn and discuss the deeper meaning of the parsha Beshalach.
I encourage everyone to show your support, bring your family, and to help us celebrate Sisterhood Shabbat along with other Sisterhoods around the world.
For those Sisterhood members and families who would like to participate, please Click here to sign up for an English or Hebrew part in the service. It’s easy to do! Just type your name on the line to the corresponding prayer/part you would like to do. When finished, just close the window… Nothing to save or send!
The Siddur is available online HERE.
Choose the Siddur Sim Shalom : Shabbat Morning (with additions for Shabbat Rosh Hodesh).
Email terripod@msn.com with any questions.