Temple Beth Torah
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Temple Board Members 5784-5785 (2024-2025)


President – Christine Brumbach president@bethtorah.org

Vice President – Adam Arzt

Treasurer – Liora Stone Liora.stone@bethtorah.org

Recording Secretary – Judy Leavey   Judy.leavey@bethtorah.org

Department Directors:

Director of Congregational Growth – Adam Barry

Director of Education – Elissa Washburn

Director of Operations – Adam Miller   amiller-tbt@comcast.net

Director of Religious Life – Charli Bernstein

Director of Programs – Jess Neipris

Members at Large:

Member-at-Large/Past President – David Asher David.Asher@bethtorah.org

Member-at-Large – Phil Silver

Member-at-Large – Jon Neipris

Member-at-Large – Mary Ann Oppenheimer

Adam Arzt, Holliston – Vice-President 

I have lived here in Holliston for almost 20 years, along with my wife Nancy.  My path to membership at TBT has been somewhat indirect.  After a religiously observant upbringing in Baldwin, NY (my family history includes several generations of rabbis on both sides), I became somewhat of a lapsed Jew after college, not belonging to a synagogue as I had “more important” demands on my time.  About 10 years ago Nancy and I decided that it was time to rejoin a synagogue.  After one try at a different congregation, in 2017 we gave TBT a try.

From the beginning, we felt welcomed and appreciated; those feelings have only multiplied since then.  For me personally it also meant a return to (semi) regular attendance at services, an invitation to serve on the Religious Life Committee, and ultimately an invitation to join the Board this July.

I value being a part of this community which has been stellar in offering support at times of loss and challenge, sharing in the celebration of simchas and triumphs, and providing many opportunities for social and intellectual interaction through numerous continuing education and entertainment programs.  It will be an honor for me to serve on the board and help bring our congregation’s future goals to fruition.

David Asher, Milford – Current Past President

I was President of Temple Beth Torah from 2020 to 2023, was VP for the two years prior, and have served on the Israel Action Committee from its start. I am very proud of the way that TBT kept operating as a close community during the pandemic, and how the Board reformulated our structure to better suit our congregation size and needs. With my wife, Dianne, I have raised two children with the help of TBT, who have since grown up and left Massachusetts. I have also led a non-volunteer life as a Software Development Manager, including at some familiar names like Bose and Amazon.

Adam Barry, Hopkinton –  Director of Congregational Growth

Hello, I’m Adam Barry! My family first joined TBT in 1990, when I was 6. I attended Hebrew School, was Bar Mitzvah here, and have many fond memories. It is very special that I can rejoin so many years later. I am honored to be part of the board and help our thriving community continue to flourish. I live in Hopkinton with my wife Christine and two Children, Hannah (5) and Hank (3). A little about me… I love to do so many wonderful activities with my family, stay active by running and playing sports, seeing live music, and being with friends and family.


Charli Bernstein, Milford – Director of Religious Life

My name is Charli (Charlene) Bernstein.  I have been a part of Temple Beth Torah for 34 years and a member of the Ritual Religious Life Committee since early 2000, serving as Committee Chair for the last 6 years. 

I am a single parent of my 32 year old daughter Natalya Elise who grew up at TBT, having her baby naming and Bat Mitzvah there.   We are excitedly planning her wedding to her fiancee George Borisovskiy on July 13th, 2024. 

As we do not have family locally, the Temple community has become our family and we cherish those relationships.  Natalya met her best friend in Hebrew school and they continue to support each other thru life’s ups and downs.  The Temple community  has been there during the difficult times as well as the celebrations. 

Ritual is a wonderful committee, working together with the Rabbi and supporting her in services and planning.  We work with B’nai Mitzvah families to insure their special day is a caring, supportive simcha. We support families in times of challenge and during a loss.   Building community, being supportive and welcoming everyone is essential to building a strong Temple congregation.   TBT is my home away from home. 

Chris Brumbach, Holliston – President

I have been a member of TBT off and on since 1991.  My late husband, Bill Wechsler and I were active volunteers while our children were enrolled in the Religious School.  I am completing my first year as President of the Board at TBT, following three years on the Board as Chair of Tikkun Olam and Director of Community Life (Becoming Director of Programs this year.)  I am looking forward to bringing more opportunities for continued connection, fun and spiritual growth for our members.  My adult children are Mike and Steve, and I am blessed with three grandchildren, Lucy, Benny and Ellis.   In my pre-retirement years I worked in school districts as a Student Services Director and teacher.   Spare time hobbies? Watercolor painting, gardening and hiking the trails behind my house.  

Judy Leavey, Ashland Recording Secretary

I have been a member of TBT since 1986. I am completing my fourth year as TBT Secretary.  My responsibilities are writing up the BOD meeting minutes, and compiling monthly department reports.  I am also completing my second year as co-chair of the Social Justice Committee. My husband, Michael,  and I have lived in Ashland for 44 years, and our adult children are Bethany and Jennifer. I retired in 2019 from the Framingham Public Schools where I was an educator in SAGE, a program for gifted learners. I love to walk, am a voracious reader, and volunteer for several town committees. 


Adam Miller, Hopedale – Director of Operations

I have been a member of TBT since 2010 and on the Board of Directors since 2017, serving first as Finance Chair and currently as Operations Director, which includes being the Finance Chair and Facilities Chair.   I am the Manager of Capital Project Engineering for Aspen Aerogels and my current role is designing a new manufacturing plant in Georgia to supply cutting-edge insulation to the EV Battery market.  My wife Rhonda is a 2nd Grade teacher in the Worcester Public Schools.  We have 3 boys who have all been through TBT Religious School from Kitah Gan through Bar Mitzvah.  Joshua will be entering his Junior year at WPI in the fall, while Avery and Matthew are both in High School.  I am an avid sports fan that enjoys traveling and supporting my kids in their various activities.   

Jessica Neipris, MIlford –  Director of Programs

I live in Milford with my husband Jon, our son Sam, and “Dog-ter” Dollie. I have been a member of TBT since July 2023 although I’ve been active in the Jewish community all my life.  I look forward to being on the Board and working with committees to put on some great events in the coming year.  I am passionate about promo and work in sales for a promotional products distributor out of Quincy.  Currently, I am also on the Board of Directors for my industry regional association (NEPPA – the New England Promotional Products Association).  My hobbies include cooking,


Jon Neipris, Milford – Member-at-Large

I live in Milford with my wife Jessica, our son Sam, and golden doodle named Dollie. I have been a member of the TBT since 2023. I am really excited to join the board and get involved in the community.  I work in finance as an advisory operations’ principal for an investment company.  I work in finance as an advisory operations principal for an investment company.  My hobbies include traveling, watching New England sports, and spending time with family. 

Mary Ann Oppenheimer, Franklin – Member-at-Large

My late husband, Michael Fishbein, and I became members of TBT in 2015, having moved to Franklin the year before. I was elected to the Board in 2016-2017, after working on a By-laws review process.  I am proud to have served TBT in several capacities, Chairing two more By-laws review committees, a Search committee, the Fundraising committee, Co-chairing TBT Reads and most recently as Treasurer.

 My extended family is scattered from New Hampshire to Denver.  I have two wonderful children, Todd and Yvette, three beautiful granddaughters, Carley, Madison and Allison, and one precious great granddaughter, Quinn.  Prior to retirement in 2014, I had a long career in financial services and not-for-profit management and fundraising.  I am an active volunteer for Milford Regional Medical Center and Chair of my Condominium Board of Trustees.  I also have a fun and challenging part-time job at Dean College, as an Academic Coach, working with students during the fall and spring semesters. For leisure I enjoy time with friends and family, reading, cooking and walking. 

Phil Silver, Millis – Member-at-Large

My name is Philip Silver but you can call me Phil.  I am a soon to be a retired Optometrist. My practice spanned 40 years at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.  I am married to Nadine for over 40 years. We have two grown children, Eric and David.

We have been TBT members since 1982. Both our kids enjoyed their schooling and Bar Mitzvah at TBT.  I was a past president of brotherhood years ago where I developed great friendships with my fellow Bro’s.  Nadine is currently chair of membership.

Now that I am retiring and have more free time, I am looking forward to joining the board as a Member-at-large.

Liora Stone, Holliston –  Treasurer

I have been a member of TBT since 1996, and my parents were members before me.  My two adult children (Sarah and Jeffrey) both attended TBT Religious School from Aleph through Confirmation, and I was recently blessed with my first grandchild (Oliver).  Over the years, I’ve held different positions on the Board of Directors and on various committees – most recently on Strategic Planning, COVID Reopening, By-Laws, Board Member-at-Large, and Director of Congregational Growth. 

After 35 years in business, my husband and I recently sold our metal manufacturing company and are now settling into retirement …for now.  I’m also a former Emergency Dept Registered Nurse, and I greatly enjoy annually volunteering on the medical team at the Boston Marathon.

Elissa Washburn, Holliston – Director of Education

I have been a member since childhood (with a young adult break!).  I am joining the Board as the Education Chair and am looking forward to making deeper connections with friends through the Temple.  I have four children, Rowan (9), Daven (7), Eliana (4) and Kelan (1).  I have previously served on the Education Committee and Co-chaired it for a while.  I currently teach the Tots and Parents class (ages 1-5) once monthly Sunday mornings.