Temple Beth Torah

Shabbat & Holiday Services

We warmly invite all congregants to join us for Shabbat services. To help the Rabbi and Religious Life Committee plan for services, and to help all community members plan ahead for when they’d like to come to attend, we have developed a services sign up sheet with a link below. 


The procedure is very simple:

  1. Think about when you might like to attend a Friday night or Saturday morning service in the coming few months.
  1. Click the link above and put your name under the date you’d like to attend
  1. Attend and enjoy!

It’s that simple. 

And don’t worry if your plans change- you can return to the sheet and remove your name, as no one takes attendance. 

You are of course welcome to attend if you did not sign up in advance as well.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Shabbat!


Our prayer life together is at once traditional and contemporary. Rooted in the traditions of Conservative Judaism, our services are soulful, songful, and meditative. Through prayer, song, and poetry, our services enliven our sense of meaning, joy, and blessing in Judaism and in life.

Children are always welcome at our services – they are an integral part of our services (no matter how young!). Children help with the blessing over the Challah at the end of services, and religious school students are encouraged to assist in leading prayers.

Our services are led by Rabbi Mimi Micner. Members of the Ritual Committee assist in leading the services.  Our Torah readers are members of the congregation.

Don’t worry if you can’t read Hebrew – our new prayerbook, Siddur Lev Shalem, offers transliterations of the prayers.

Shabbat evening services are held every Friday night at 7:30 pm. Our Shabbat morning services are held at 10am.

  • Shir Shabbat – Once a month we have Shir Shabbat, which includes a guitar and flute, bringing added ruach/spirit to the Friday evening service.
  • Early Childhood – The Tot Shabbat service is for families with young children to join together to share the traditions of Shabbat through prayers, stories and songs. Full of fun music and family connection, Tot Shabbat is targeted to children from birth to second grade.
  • Torah Study – Occasionally, Torah study on Shabbat morning is held during the regular service in lieu of chanting the Torah parsha. The Rabbi or Ritual Committee members lead congregants in gaining a further understanding of the weekly Torah portion.
  • Student Led – Class participation services are held through the year.  Our religious school classes lead prayers during the service.
  • School Family – Our B’yachad service is specifically for religious school families.   These one-hour services are held on designated Shabbat mornings and provide students more opportunity to participate, lead and learn prayers.
  • Community Led Shabbat – The Kabbalat Community Service is led monthly by one of our Temple congregants.  In addition to the standard Friday evening Shabbat service, we all participate in various discussions on Jewish topics.

We welcome you and encourage you to join us for our Shabbat and Holiday Services.